9:53 CAT | 29 Sep 2017
Mozambique has fallen three places in the World Economic Forum’s global competitiveness ranking released on Wednesday.
In the 2016-17 edition, Mozambique ranked 133rd among 138 countries and fell to 136th in a universe of 137.
The only country ranked below Mozambique is Yemen.
South Africa dropped 14 places this year and is now ranked 61st, Rwanda is 58th, Botswana is 63rd, Morocco 71st, Kenya is 91st, Namibia 90th, Tanzania 113th, Zambia ranks 118th, Swaziland is 122nd, Zimbabwe is 124th, Nigeria 125th and Malawi 132nd.
Among the CPLP countries the ranking is as follows: Portugal, 42; Brazil 80; Cape Verde 110. Angola, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea Bissau and Timor Leste are not among the ranked countries.
The WEF, which is based in Geneva, produces a yearly report on economic competitiveness. The ratings are based on over 10 measures of competitiveness and opinions of business leaders.
The top 10 countries in the latest list are the same as last year, but the order has changed. The United States moved in front of Singapore, rising from third to second place. Hong Kong moved up three places to sixth place, passing both Britain and Japan.
The WEF says that Britain has not yet felt the effect of its vote to leave the European Union, but will in the future.
China was rated as the 27th most competitive economy in the world. Russia was in 38th place, while India was 40th.
Top Ten Countries
1) Switzerland
2) United States
3) Singapore
4) Netherlands
5) Germany
6) Hong Kong
7) Sweden
8) United Kingdom
9) Japan
10) Finland
Read the full World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report here
Source: WEF
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